Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Nov. 7th

Today I'm thankful for my mom.

The sacrifices she's made and continues to make for our family I will probably never truly understand. I thought I knew before, now understand so much more how much she was there for all of us.

There was years where my dad worked nights and it was her taking care of everyone and holding it all together. Never once do I remember her complain or even get a break. We knew no different. Maybe we thought all moms could hold us all together so effortlessly.

Having Parker gives me a new appreciation for how much work and worry truly goes into a child. Maybe it got easier as we grew up but I have a feeling she is now caring and worrying about nine "kids". We still rely on her as much as we always did. I'm sure the text at 4am asking if she was awake; I think my water broke was just a tad stressful. Had she not waited for my dad she might have beat us to the hospital. :) Just one example of the rock we rely on.

Thank you mom for all you have done and for everything you continue to be to this family. We love you.

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