Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Christmas Tree Decorating

Digging in the drawers like he isn't suppose to do

Look what I found Mom!

Best part about the ornaments, bubble wrap

Straight for the tree

Ready to yank off ornaments

So excited, he was running in circles!

My camera couldn't even keep up to focus he was so excited!

Chowing down on lunch

Oh, did I miss my mouth??

Dinner Dancing... When we listen to the radio it sometimes just leads to dancing... :)
Parker was pretty excited about putting up the Christmas tree.  We put up the tree on Saturday to give him time to adjust and then put the ornaments on Sunday morning when we got up after breakfast. 

He loves the "ball" ornaments and was grabbing them, saying "ball" and spiking them down.  Pretty hilarious.  I had separated out a box of what I thought were "Parker safe" ornaments for this year.  Didn't end up being that safe.  He loved emptying the box but didn't really help hang any up.  We just ended up with ornaments all over the floor from being thrown. 

We decided to go ahead and leave off ornaments that I would cry about if broken this year.  We did have a good time hanging all the "Baby's 1st Christmas" ornaments we had.  He was such a chunker; such cute mementos.  Since he isn't that stable when walking/running he sometimes gets close to the tree and throws his shoulder up like he thinks the tree is going to get him... haha. 

Parker did get tattled out at daycare for taking an ornament off of her tree.  But haven't heard he's got in "trouble" with it again yet. 

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