Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Christmas Tree Decorating

Digging in the drawers like he isn't suppose to do

Look what I found Mom!

Best part about the ornaments, bubble wrap

Straight for the tree

Ready to yank off ornaments

So excited, he was running in circles!

My camera couldn't even keep up to focus he was so excited!

Chowing down on lunch

Oh, did I miss my mouth??

Dinner Dancing... When we listen to the radio it sometimes just leads to dancing... :)
Parker was pretty excited about putting up the Christmas tree.  We put up the tree on Saturday to give him time to adjust and then put the ornaments on Sunday morning when we got up after breakfast. 

He loves the "ball" ornaments and was grabbing them, saying "ball" and spiking them down.  Pretty hilarious.  I had separated out a box of what I thought were "Parker safe" ornaments for this year.  Didn't end up being that safe.  He loved emptying the box but didn't really help hang any up.  We just ended up with ornaments all over the floor from being thrown. 

We decided to go ahead and leave off ornaments that I would cry about if broken this year.  We did have a good time hanging all the "Baby's 1st Christmas" ornaments we had.  He was such a chunker; such cute mementos.  Since he isn't that stable when walking/running he sometimes gets close to the tree and throws his shoulder up like he thinks the tree is going to get him... haha. 

Parker did get tattled out at daycare for taking an ornament off of her tree.  But haven't heard he's got in "trouble" with it again yet. 

Bath Time

Monday, November 26, 2012

Sneak Peek

Into my life... Beside my nightstand I have a tractor, tractor book, animal book, Parents magazine and work out bag.

Nov. 26th

Today I'm thankful I was wearing a longer sweater, my zipper on my pants wouldn't stay zipped closed!... Pretty embarrassing. And it's my favorite pair of black pants. Dang!

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Master Bedroom

I got my curtains done and duvet cover done this weekend. Now just bed skirt and a pillow to go on the bed with others. Thinking one of those giant flower ones.

Outside Lights!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Jolly Holiday Lights

Tonight we went to Jolly Holiday Lights down at Waterworks. Parker loved it. It was fun to watch his face and expressions as he saw the lights.

Nov. 25th

Today I'm thankful for the changing seasons. Winter could be one month long instead, but thankful to see all the beautiful seasons.

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Nov. 24th

Today I'm thankful for the traditions holidays bring, so excited to start our own.

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Nov. 23rd

Today I'm thankful for long weekends. Time spent with family and my house still got picked up and laundry done.

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Nov. 22nd

Today I'm thankful that god gave me the opportunity to be a mom.

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Nov. 21st

Today I'm thankful for the laughter that fills this house due to our sweet little man. We are laughing constantly at all the funny things he is learning.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Nov. 20th

Today I'm thankful for working cars to get us to and from work.
Yesterday as I was walking into work a family that appeared to only have one vehicle to get everyone where they needed to go every day had their car die at the stop light very loudly in front on a large group of people going to work. It coasted back down the hill to where they parked on the side of the road. I kicked myself in the butt all day yesterday and today for not offering to help get them where they needed to go. I however did not have a solution for how I was going to fit a family of four in my two seater car with a car seat in back. I can't imagine the stress that caused their family right before the holidays... :( forever grateful for all we have.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Nov. 19th

Today I'm thankful for my education. To this day I still believe that getting a double major in finance and real estate was the best decision for me.

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We got outside to enjoy the weather and PK loved the fresh air.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Nov. 18th

Today I'm thankful for a new fridge! The day has come I get excited for new appliances! :)

Nov. 17th

Today I'm thankful for the time I get to be alone. It comes few and far between lately but does wonders even if only a couple hours during nap time.
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Nov. 16th

Today I'm thankful for music, sometimes you just need to relax and let someone else express how you feel.

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Nov. 15th

Today I'm thankful for the sunshine!!

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Nov. 14th

Today I'm thankful for my grandparents. Both of them have been married 50+ years and are still as much in love as they have always been. The things they have endured together I can't even begin to fathom.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Nov. 13th

Today I am thankful for a personality that allows me to laugh at myself. It's no secret that I tend to over think things.... Well there was some fabric I had been wanting for awhile, was thinking the playroom but then realized that the color would go perfect with the walls in the master bedroom from when we moved in... Long story here. So off I went thinking how much fabric I would need for curtains and pillow shams. I literally was just finished sewing the first pillow case when I realized I only had enough material for one pillow. Ugh. Over thinking at it's finest. So tonight I got the other pillow sewed up. I have curtain panels ready, just need a rod to hang on. Next up duvet cover...

Monday, November 12, 2012

Phone pics

My first pair of skinny jeans, as they make their way out of fashion...lol.

And our first trip to the playplace at Mcdonalds. Pk just watched and pointed at kids the whole time.

Nov. 12th

Lighten things up a little, today I'm thankful for bubble tape. I might be slightly addicted, but it gets me through the long days in front of a computer.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Veterans Day Weekend

We went back to Audubon this weekend to spend with Kris's family over Veteran's Day weekend.  PK had a good time with his cousins and we got to go to a benefit for Veterans with Keith on Saturday night.