Thursday, June 4, 2015

To-Do List before Baby Arrival

I started sorting clothes the other night about 7:30.  Opened PK's closet and started digging.  What a nightmare.  It's amazing how many clothes one boy has accumulated.  I told Kris, as with most things, they always look worse before they get better.  The pictures below are "better".  I'm up to 9 months so far.  And now I'm starting to remember that for some reason 9 month clothes are hard to find.  Our tote is pretty sparse compared to the others.

As I've mentioned before I've been buying a lot of clothes anticipating most of PK's to be stained/ruined from his horrible reflux.  About 50/50 were stained.  Mostly the outfits I really loved (and he didn't wear often) weren't stained.  But I couldn't believe the amount of newborn sleepers we had accumulated.  He stayed that size for so long I guess... I had to toss about 15 or so and still have 10-12 with a few I bought new.  We are good on newborn sleepers!  The dresser is full and ready with newborn items.

Diaper bag is packed and ready with hospital outfit
To-do List:

  1. Finish sorting clothes, toss stained items, find a place for totes by size
  2. Replace ceiling fan
  3. Hang curtains (replace cellular blinds with cordless)
  4. Paint/hang book shelves Kris made
  5. Hang name and frame (huge gray frame in picture)
  6. Need to make crib skirt
  7. Need clothes hamper
  8. Paint the green changing station (on dresser) and sew a cover for changing pad to match the bedding
  9. More shelves in closet? Bookshelves? Toy shelves?  Seems like a lot of dead space between the cube organizer and the hanging rod.  I hung like 4-5 things when PK was a baby - today. So I don't see myself taking the time to hang outfits every time they get washed.
  10. Need small lamp/nightstand, trying to decide if I'm going to confiscate PK's
  11. Need baby monitor of some sort, trying to decide if I want to do the video thing this time.  We didn't really use the basic one we had with PK because we shared a wall and I could hear every movement.
  12. Get the safe out of the room? (this shouldn't be my job :))
  13. Prep some frozen meals and/or sort out easy and quick recipes
  14. Try to keep house in a state of non-crazies through the summer?!? (no idea if this is possible)
  15. Get all bills on bill-pay or auto-pay schedule
  16. Get hospital bag ready (I will have soap and shampoo this time!!)
  17. Final decision on a name...
Looking more manageable by the day!  Goal is by 30-32 weeks to be "ready".  The car seat is in the car, the babies bag is packed.  I could be jumping the gun, but I don't want to be miserable/hot trying to finish things up.  I can already tell with the 3rd trimester the energy will be depleting.  I've had to take breaks in the evenings while working on things.  

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