Thursday, June 25, 2015

Baby #2 Update - Weeks 30&31

Due Date: August 27th, measured right at 31 weeks this week

Weeks: 31 weeks

Doctor Report: Everything looks good; heart rate at 140.  He kicked the thing when they were trying to listen to his heart rate! Head down, likes to have his rear on my left side.

Gender: BOY

Name: First name has been decided, a middle name has not.

Total Weight Gain: Not even looking anymore.

Miss Anything: Having energy!

Best Moment this Week: My stomach growled around lunch time and he about jumped out of my stomach!  Scared the poor guy! :)

Labor Signs:  Not really, getting crampy more often.  Doc said it is most likely due to him being so low. My ligaments are stretching with the added weight creating cramping when I walk.  Time to take it easy.

Belly Button in or out: Still in

Maternity Clothes: Yup.  Most days I wear a dress to work.  Maternity dress pants just aren't making the cut anymore

Sleep: It's officially not good anymore.  Waking quite often.  Can't get comfortable, etc.

Food: No cravings. Been eating a lot of fruit, but that's always the case in the summer

Exercise: Taking it down another notch.  I'm not sure how much longer I will try to exercise.  The humidity mixed with random cramping has me slowing down.  

Pregnancy Symptoms: Swelling, officially removed the wedding rings.  Making frequent trips to the bathroom.  Snoring?!? Back pain.  It's crazy how the body changes in just one week.  It's officially not all good anymore.

Happy or Moody: Pretty average most of the time.

Movement: Lots and lots of movement!

What I'm Looking Forward To: Holding this sweet baby

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