Thursday, January 16, 2014

Making Our Own...

Laundry detergent.  So I tend to get on these kicks where I get convinced I'm going to do something because it makes complete sense, is easy to do and saves us money.  Well this time it was laundry detergent.  Seems simple enough. Here are the directions/inspiration I used: Ten Mile Farm Liquid Laundry Detergent  Well it was pretty easy to make; went pretty well.  But no where in the directions does it say that it will expand while "cooling down".  Luckily I left it in the sink overnight, it was about half full by morning (made the sink nice and clean :)).  It also gave no direction of how to stir before filling jugs in a 5 gallon bucket (used Parker's little mop to stir) or how to fill your containers (dunked my big measuring cups in).  I created quite the mess.  There was detergent everywhere in my kitchen!! So it's made.  But hasn't been tried yet.  Will keep you posted (if anybody is out there and cares!)  I have a feeling this will last us about a year (and was less than $10 for products) if we like it.  It made a ton... well about 10 gallons!

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