Monday, April 29, 2013

More Phone/Instagram Pics

Before Haircut - slightly crazy... He has a tad bit of hair
After haircut showing off :)

 I'm not real sure if it was the haircut or what but I quickly realized this weekend my baby is a full-on toddler these days.  He just looks so grown up all the sudden!

On a walk... We were on his trike and his foot got stuck.  So he refused to get back on it.  We had drinks in the basket and he insisted on carrying both mine and his water... And stopping every five feet to "yell" at the puppies who were barking at him on the path. 

PK thought I needed all these tools to make supper the other night.  Such a good helper!
These are just my camera pictures from the past week.  I've really fallen behind getting pictures off my camera.  Hopefully this week if it's too cold to be outside!

We used the trimmers/buzzer on his hair on Friday night.  He wasn't too sure about it.  Kept telling me no.  But once we committed there was no turning back.  

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