Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Florida Vacation - Day 1!

Back in September or October I sent Kris a text with dates that I had blocked off on my calendar at work.  I was going on vacation with or without him.  His choice!  PK needed a vacation since he worked all summer at the rental house :)  We decided that we were going to drive to Florida.  The weather wasn't perfect but it was soo nice to get out of dodge and break up the winter!

PK was a trooper.  The DVD player was a life saver.  We wouldn't have made it without it.  For some reason it didn't make him sleepy either... There were only a few "emergency" roadside stops to go potty.  

We made it just outside of Nashville the first day.  Left at 5AM and got to Nashville about 4pm.  We celebrated our anniversary that night in our traveling clothes ;)

12 week bumpie!

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