Monday, December 15, 2014


One weekend last fall Brandon came over to help Kris work on trimming trees.  I don't have a before shot.  But this tree was almost hanging on the shed.  Dani had to work so Armor came and hung out with PK and I.

PK had already taken his turn riding up and back down in the lift.  This was Armor's turn.  Sorry Dani if you hadn't seen this yet! :)

Singing and giggling

We made a quick run to Fareway.  They both had carts.  We got nothing else that wasn't on the list.  But every time I stopped I had to have two things to get; one for each cart.  We didn't stop moving for long or other things got added quickly!  Whew, it was an experience!

This lasted about 2.2 seconds.  And then there was jumping.  Settling down for naps... Kind of.

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