We survived our first home remodel project!
Some stats for the number geeks:
137 days from ownership until rented
19 weeks of work
25 gallons of paint
1008 SF of replaced/repaired flooring
Less than 5 big fights (multiple slammed doors)
Multiple toddler melt downs
One incident involving blood
3 new windows
Few nights/weekends not spent working
Many, many nights eating on the tailgate or on the floor
Lots of lots of learning!
1 completely remodeled house
3 grateful members glad to be done
Our happiest member!
Pictures before we walked out at 9pm on September 31st!
Back mudroom looking in from back door. This room got all new windows and the back wall became a wall.
Looking into laundry room and kitchen
Door back from Laundry to back mudroom
Kitchen pantry
The fridge has already been replaced. Craigslist find didn't hold up.
In kitchen looking back towards mudroom or hall
My helper following my every move
Hall closets, looking into bedroom
Master bedroom
Hallway from bathroom back to living room
Large living room
Looking back towards the bathroom
Front door closet
Doorway to sunroom
Hmm... helping?
Sunroom and PK's "office"