Tuesday, December 30, 2014

We Made it! ~ Ta Da!

We survived our first home remodel project!

Some stats for the number geeks:
137 days from ownership until rented
19 weeks of work
25 gallons of paint
1008 SF of replaced/repaired flooring
Less than 5 big fights (multiple slammed doors)
Multiple toddler melt downs
One incident involving blood
3 new windows
Few nights/weekends not spent working
Many, many nights eating on the tailgate or on the floor
Lots of lots of learning!
1 completely remodeled house
3 grateful members glad to be done

Our happiest member!

Pictures before we walked out at 9pm on September 31st!

Back mudroom looking in from back door.  This room got all new windows and the back wall became a wall.

Looking into laundry room and kitchen


Door back from Laundry to back mudroom

Kitchen pantry

The fridge has already been replaced.  Craigslist find didn't hold up.

In kitchen looking back towards mudroom or hall


My helper following my every move

Hall closets, looking into bedroom

Master bedroom

Hallway from bathroom back to living room

Large living room

Looking back towards the bathroom

Front door closet

Doorway to sunroom

Hmm... helping?

Sunroom and PK's "office"

Monday, December 29, 2014

Rental House - Before Shots!

 When we started this process I was frankly too embarrassed to show the full "before" pictures.  I kind of chose projects here and there to show progress on because frankly it was a little overwhelming! (and I didn't need anyone else to tell us we were crazy, we already knew that!)

I remember being there the first day and thinking "we got this".  Until the we couldn't get the water on.  And then when the water got turned on the sink was leaking and the toilet wouldn't stop running!  
Our timeline quickly was out of our control.

The process was pretty steppy.  We had to do certain things before others.  The first thing we had to do was secure the house.  With the back mudroom windows being broken we conquered new windows and a wall.  

95% of the work that was done on the house was just Kris and I (and PK).  We had help with the electric.  He also had a friend from work help him with the kitchen counter tops and showed us how to tile.  We had to hire to have a new furnace put in.  Otherwise, we muscled through.  We did a lot of things we've never done before and watched a lot of You Tube videos for direction.

Mudroom - the storm windows were all broken

This is where we made a wall - it was all broken storm windows

Looking into laundry room and kitchen

Laundry room - the sink got ripped out and water heater replaced

Kitchen pantry

The only "appliance" that stayed was the cooktop

Looking back into laundry room and hallway


Hall closet - also where we got a peek at the hardwood floors under the carpet

Looking back into living room.


Living room; words can't even begin to describe how nasty the carpet was!!

Front door closet

Doorway to sunroom

Sunroom before

Looking back towards PK's "office".  This was the last room to get remodeled and it was the ugliest!

Stay tuned tomorrow for the After Shots!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


This is PK's "cape".  It's actually a sleep sack from when he was a baby... Lots of trips up and down the hall!

We spend as many meals as he can finagle eating at his little table in the kitchen that my Grandpa Reno made.  I move it back to the toy room.  Back out it comes.

We saw Santa.  And this guy (the shyest little thing).  Sat on his lap! Smiled! AND talked to him!

All the cousins (plus the baby in the tummy :))

Out driving his gator on a warm Sunday

Everybody in their spots!

His guys get prime treatment around here.

Sitting on Santa's lap again at Grandma Jean and Papa Chuck's house for our 1st Christmas of the year.