Thursday, May 29, 2014

Rest of the Weekend

Since let's just say January, Parker has asked when we are getting the camper from Uncle Kelley's at least once a week.  Monday morning we finally went to get it!  He was soo excited!  Unfortunately he thought we were going to get it and go camping right from there.  So we settled on eating lunch in the camper... Does that count?  To our little 3 (almost) year old it was a win.  But now the question of when we are going camping is about every 1/2 hour... and immediately when waking in the morning.  We need to get this little guy out camping!

On Saturday night Kris had a bachelor party for my soon to be brother-in-law.  My dad and brother went so my mom drove them home after.  Carter came to play with us.  Parker was so excited to play with him and was showing off.  It was pretty funny.  He was so chatty with him too.  When he woke up and Carter wasn't there to play with he wasn't too happy!  He raced down the stairs looking for him :(

Our friend Joe is a veteran so we invited them over for supper on Monday night.  They brought these gorgeous flowers for me.  They smell amazing too!

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