Friday, April 4, 2014

More of PK's room

Curtains!  Yea!!  I actually do love them.  They feel so fancy with the liner in them... :)

Also; the glider with the material I'd like to reupholster it with.

Cute little hangers I'd got a long time ago.  They finally go with his room enough to hang.  He is still getting the hang of hanging up his sweatshirts.  It makes me giggle that it makes the most sense to him to hang up from the bottom of the sweatshirt.

So funny story, no pictures of his bed right now.  When we went "under construction" he slept in the office in the pack and play.  He slept so good in there (no waking up in the middle of the night, straight to bed when it was time, etc). Well we finally got his room put back together and put him back in his big boy bed.  Right back to his old antics.  Getting up multiple times before finally staying in bed, getting up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, waking up early and needing water, refusing to stay in bed for a nap, the list goes on.  This past weekend he was refusing to lay down for nap, kept getting up.  "I hangrete" (hungry), "I need water", "Cover me up", "I need to go potty"... all while sneaking out of his room and then whispering when he saw me because he knew he wasn't suppose to get up and was trying to find a reason for why he was up.  Well he thought he finally had a good one, one that mom could not resist and naptime would be over!  He came flying out of his room and when he spotted me, he pretty much yelled, "mommy, we got get camper at uncle Kelly's house!!".  Like this was it; he had found something that he was getting up for!! :)

Long story short, he came down with a cold this week so I put him back in the pack in play in his room to get some sleep.  It's been working.  Maybe I will wait for the weekend to be over to take it back down so I can sleep in :)

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