Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Saturday vs Monday

Big difference!  Saturday was rough on us all. PK had a high temp all week last week that turned into a rash when it went down. Apparently this thing he had causes irritability. Check! Poor guy, it was bad. Anyways, we were beyond happy to have our normal happy guy back on Sunday morning.  If that was any clue what the terrible two's are like we are in for it.

Some fun things. A couple months ago I started making a dessert for us on Sunday for the week to have after supper and storing it on the counter. Most of the times its been cookies. PK only gets one after supper if he eats good. Well it hasnt taken him long to figure out where they are stored and that most likely he will get a cookie. Now instead of saying he's done he points at the counter and asks for a "cook cook". We both agree that some nights he probably doesnt deserve one but him saying that is the cutest thing.

I swear he said Armor this morning when we got to daycare. (He has been coming a few times the past couple weeks and PK has not been impressed about it, so we were talking about how he was going to be there).

On Sunday Bev brought some Chex mix for the boys, it got left on the counter Sunday night so Monday morning that was all he wanted for breakfast.  I got him to eat breakfast but he further threw a fit until he got a bowl to munch on... at 9:30am. Oh well.

In other news I sliced the end off my right index finger on Monday while I had the day off. Using my kitchen slicer to cut some carrots, took the finger gaurd off and oops cut it right off. Very painful, the end of my finger is now flat. Kris said no one wants to see it so I guess no pictures.  I can send anyone a pic tho if you are curious :) its nasty. Hard to type and run a mouse at work. Ugh.

That's all for now. When I am able to use a computer again without being in pain I will post more pics.

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