Monday, September 17, 2012


Things I love recently:

We have all got our first colds of the season but it's so hard to resist his sweet kisses. He just keeps walking over and kissing. Can't turn down a goobery kiss even if it's full of germs.

He loves rolling around and "wrestling". He will crawl right up to you and just relax and giggle.

He tackles his bear still. He gets a head start and gets going and just plows bear down. Pretty funny.

He has started doing this thing if you aren't paying attention to him he will crawl over, crawl up on you and lean in front of your face with the biggest smile like "hey mom pay attention!" all while making up his own words.

Daddy is starting to become the favorite. He thinks if dad isn't downstairs with us he must be upstairs. So he will crawl over to the stairs and yell around the corner "da, da!"

Loves being outside, many meltdowns when we have to come inside. Winter will bring many more I'm sure.

Loves balls and saying ball. He will go on and on for awhile and I think the only word I catch is ball in there.

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