Friday, December 4, 2015

3 Months!

We will just go ahead and skip right to 3 months!

Starting to "talk" and laugh.  Lots of smiles for everybody; it's a competition who can get the most smiles.  Parker told me he has "100 smiles more than me".

Chas loves watching his big brother, shoving his fingers in his mouth and is very alert, always checking something out.  He scoots on his back but not quite rolling yet.  He still isn't taking a pacifier.  We are getting up one or two times a night to eat.

Daycare says he is the happiest baby there and they wish all the babies were as happy as him.

His hair is starting to thin on the sides and the top is getting very long!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Some of My Favorites

Parker makes us laugh on a daily basis.  That guy just does.not.stop.talking.

Some of my favorites I want to remember (that drive Kris crazy! :)):

Tinkerbell: Peterbuilt
-"Daddy, let's play with my tinkerbell!"

Throap: Throat
-"My throap is on fire when I swallowed that hot oatmeal"

Freewheeler: 4-wheeler
-"At the rental house I rode my freewheeler while daddy followed me".

Haha!  Good stuff!

"Talking" to Grandpa Keith about his birthday party he was having for Mikey.  He was going to serve "pizza" aka "anacorns".  "You talk to Grandma to see if you can come.  If she says no, you can still come"

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Catch up - All PICTURES

PK reading books to Chas and Mikey

2 month shots

Up 5 pounds!

Ready to blow some Halloween bubbles!

Freezer meals for when I went back to work.

Pumpkin PK picked out for Chas at the pumpkin patch

I watched Harlow one day; the only vehicle we can fit 3 kids in ;)

1st day he took a bottle!!

Painting our Mikey pumpkin

1st day as a "baby bunny" and mom's 1st day back to work.

Somebody was really excited to have his baby brother at school with him!

1st snow of the year!

Helping scoop snow... by scooping it off the bushes onto the sidewalk?!?

Happy Thanksgiving!