Monday, April 23, 2012

Big Day at the King House

Tonight PK was up on all fours rocking back and forth! (I know he's not in the picture ;))

Every morning when Parker gets up I put his arms around my neck and give him "squeezes". Well he was home sick today and when I got him up from his nap he leaned forward and gave me a huge hug. Made me tear up :) love that little man.

We ended up back at the doctor today after his cold that has been hanging around for over a week was getting worse.  Had to get an xray to check and see if it was pneumonia. It wasn't but he had a lot of congestion hanging around in his chest so he's back on the nebulizer treatments. And his ears looked like they were almost to the point of ear infection so he's also on anti biotics. Has a terrible cough but hoping the treatments start breaking it up.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

More Bear Hugging

Kissing the bear

45 weeks

He's smiling at dad behind me

Bear Wrestling

44 weeks - 10 months

Not good pictures but they actually were taken at the right time. I just never posted.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

First four wheeler ride

Happy Easter!

43 weeks

He started sucking his thumb this week. Hoping it cuts down on the grinding of the teeth but I would rather him not do either!


I got home and PK was very excited about the water bottle I brought home. Sometimes its the simple things...

Daddy time

I was in Texas last week so these are a couple pictures of time spent with dad while I was gone.

Tummy time

Sometimes not enjoyed :)

Weeks 41 & 42

Yes I missed a week... When I started I didn't think it would be that bad to remember... It is.